Morgan's Message, Samantha DeBellis  Morgan’s Message Education Program Liason

 Samantha DeBellis

Morgan’s Message® Education Program Liaison

Samantha DeBellis was born and raised on Long Island, NY. She attended Cold Spring Harbor High School, and later took her education to Duke University where she was a member of the Duke Women's Lacrosse Team (2016-2020). In 2021, she decided to become a student coach of the Duke Women’s lacrosse team while earning her Masters degree from the Fuqua School of Business. She now currently works on Long Island where she works in the Medical Device Industry. From the moment she stepped on campus as a freshman, Morgan took her under her wing. Both going through knee injuries at the same time, Morgan served as an important role model and source of inspiration for Sam. Morgan's legacy will forever hold a special place in her heart.